PRIN 2022
Movement Experience Through Rhythmic Organization in Audiovisual Representational Texts

METRO/ART addresses the issue of rhythm as experienced by the spectator of audiovisual texts and aims at building a theoretical model supported by neurocognitive data. The primary hypothesis of the research is that the experience of rhythm refers to that of movement; consequently, the research studies rhythm from the perspective of the cinematic viewer’s embodied experience.
Which semiotic elements of the audiovisual text are responsible for the constitution of their rhythmic profiles, and how do they combine? What does the spectator’s embodied rhythmic experience consist of? How and in what time windows is it triggered and guided by the rhythmic profiles of the texts? What are the relationships between rhythmic experience, affective states, and time perception? What particularities characterize Virtual Reality audiovisual media? Is it possible to find significant specificities in the rhythmic audiovisual experience of subjects impaired by motor pathologies?


METRO/ART project is carried out by three research units located at the Catholic University of Milan, the University of Parma, and the University of Bergamo, and involves film and media scholars, psychologists, and neurobiologists.

Ruggero Eugeni
Full professor of Media semiotics
Università Cattolica, Milan

Maria Alessandra Umiltà
Associate professor of Biology
University of Parma

Adriano D’Aloia
Associate professor of Film and media
University of Bergamo
Volunteer to be a research participant
We are looking for volunteer participants to take part in experiments. If interested, please contact us by email.
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